You’ve Got Questions About Our Service and We Have The Answers.
If you have more specific questions not answered in our FAQ’S contact us and we
Will answer them for you.
How does Flat Fee Listing work?
Listing on the MLS for a flat fee is the exact same as listing with a 6% realtor. You are just paying less to get the same service. Your listing looks the same as all other listings. You can sell your home to someone not represented by an agent and NOT pay a buyers agent commission, however if an agent brings you a buyer, that agent will need to be paid a commission. This is perfect for For Sale By Owners
Why would I want my property listed in the MLS?
As a For Sale By Owner, your exposure to potential buyers is limited. Your choices for advertising are usually confined to yard signs, for sale by owner and classified websites, open houses and word of mouth. Most buyers are working with agents and agents consider the MLS as the source to sell homes and locate homes for their buyers. Having your property listed in the MLS will bring you must needed exposure and increase the changes of your home being sold.
How long does it take you to get listed?
We normally take 1-2 business days after we receive all paperwork and photos.
Will my contact information be displayed?
Yes, we put your information on the MLS for agents to call you direct for showings. On “public” websites such as or only the brokers contact information is allowed to be displayed. The reason for this is MLS has rules about what information is allowed to be syndicated to 3rd party websites . We will forward all leads we receive to you. We can not do anything about this.
Are there any additional fees?
No, there are no other fees other than the listing fee you pay us. There are options we offer to upgrade your listing, however these are only optional and not required.
Do I have to pay a commission to a buyers agent?
Yes, to be listed in the MLS you must offer a commission to the agent that brings you a buyer. If a real estate agent presents an offer and it goes to closing you must pay the commission offered on the MLS.
If you sell your home to a buyer not represented by a agent or broker,then you pay no commission.
Can I personally list my property on the MLS without a Realtor?
No, only a licensed Realtor who is a member of the local board can list on the MLS
Can I list my rental property on the MLS?
Yes, rental properties are listed on the MLS the same way as “For Sale” properties. The cost to list is the same.
Do you assist me when I receive an offer?
Our Flat Fee listing program services are strictly limited to listing the property on the MLS. You provide the property description and photos, complete the listing agreement, and our Flat Fee listing agent will setup your MLS listing. Our responsibility is only to maintain your MLS listing.
If you feel that you need more assistance in completing the required inspections or disclosures – moving your transaction to closing, we recommend you add the Realtors Assistance option.
Will buyers agents be reluctant to show my property listed on the MLS?
No, as your listing looks just like all the other listings on the MLS. You are listing the exact same way as all other listings. How much money you pay us to list on the MLS is not listed on the MLS and agents are not concerned with how much you pay us, they are only concerned with how much money they will make.
Will my property be listed on the internet?
Yes, your property will be listed on many popular real estate websites. These sites can vary depending upon the syndication feeds from the local MLS. These internet listings will give you national exposure to home buyers.
Independent websites get their information directly from the MLS or a 3rd party syndication feed. Remember, they pickup what they want from the MLS listing and publish what they wish to publish on their site. We have no control over these independent websites and can not edit or change their content.
What are your business hours?
Our normal business hours are M-F 9-5 EST. However, we do check emails during non business hours 7 days a week.
Can I cancel listing at anytime?
You can cancel the listing at any time by providing us with written instructions to do so (assuming there is not a contract pending on the property involving a buyer who was procured by a real estate agent). There are no termination fees or other penalties in the event that you wish to cancel your listing before the expiration date. However, there are no refunds.