Pricing your home is the single most important thing you need to do to attract qualified buyers. To successfully sell your home at your asking price it must reflect local market conditions as they are today not as they were yesterday or as you think they will be next year. You need to attract as many buyers as possible and to do that you must price your home correctly. If you price your home substantially more than the neighboring homes you will reduce buyers interest. They will simply bypass your home and look at the others. If you price your home too low you run the risk of leaving money on the table.
Having your home appraised before putting it on the market will help you price your home fairly and confidently.
A professional Appraiser can help you value your property, so that you don’t price it too high or too low, identify potential problems and prepare a written report and estimated price of your home. Getting a certified appraisal usually cost between $250 and $450. The advantage of using a appraisal before listing your home by owner is it will give you peace of mind, confidence in your pricing and the opportunity to fix problems on your own. And it also provides a prospective buyer a detailed confirmation and reason for your asking price.